Club Information

Founded in 1947, we are one of the oldest established caving clubs in the country. We have active members aged from 18 to 70+, and new members are always welcome.

Membership is open to anyone 18 or over who has an interest in caving as a sport including cave diving or the scientific aspects of cave biology, geology etc. The Society have recently seen an increase in the number of members, especially young people who are keen to explore the fascinating world that lies under our feet.

Members usually cave most Wednesday evenings throughout the year and normally have time for a drink in a near by pub afterwords.  Different venues throughout Devon are chosen based on the time of year and abilities of those wanting to attend.  We are always pleased to welcome potential new members (please use the form on the Contact Us page to find out more).

One weekend a month the Society usually has a caving weekend in one of the main caving regions (Somerset / South Wales / Derbyshire / Yorkshire). Members usually travel (share transport) to the area on a Friday evening, stay in a Caving Club hut, and cave on Saturday and Sunday.

The Society usually undertakes a foreign expedition/trip each year, recent years have seen us caving in Slovenia, Ireland, Vercors (France), Jura (France) and Chartreuse (France) mainly concentrating on the Dent de Crolles system of caves.  We have also run extended trips to UK caving regions when no foreign trip has happened.

The club focus on making the majority of our trips suitable for both the novice with limited experience and the very experienced caver, adapting the trip to the ability of those attending.

One of the main aims is that our trips are enjoyable and all members are safe. If you are interested in caving and would like to get involved in the activities of the club, then please contact via the form on the Contact Us page, more information can also be found within this website. For other matters please contact the club secretary via the e-mail address